Without a doubt, WordPress is the most beloved blogging platform and content management system in the market today. Day after day, the craze for WordPress is burgeoning high among the bloggers and its users. Even some of the world’s top brands like eBay, Sony, CNN, Mashable, Forbes are powered with WordPress!

You would be surprised to know with the fact that 65 millions sites are powered with WordPress till date.

  • 4.1 billions of web pages are viewed every month
  • In every 39 minutes, posts are generated using WordPress
  • In every 42.7 min comments are added
  • WordPress has the highest share in the market (53.8% ) when it comes to CMS
  • More than 19,000 Plugins are available absolutely free in Plugin Directory of WordPress.

Read the Infographics beneath to see more interesting and informative facts about WordPress.

Wordpress Infographic

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Posted By: CSSChopper Team

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