Guidelines for client management

Sometimes, client can become really tough to manage and rougher than others. No one can deny the fact that the opportunities are endless when you and your valuable client are happy with each other. How to turn most difficult clients into dream clients – is a common problem faced by every PSD to HTML service provider. It hardly matter how well particular PSD to HTML company design or code but what matters is how well the company manage its clients.

In this post of CSSCHOPPER, we would like to share some really useful guidelines for client management describing how to deal with clients efficiently. Client management with effective communication is one of the most important aspects that help in maintaining project productivity and momentum when working side by side with some clients.

Revised Regular Schedule and Budget Updates: Send your client a complete sheet of revised project schedule and budget updates one regular basis to inform him about the project status. This build trust over your customer and make him little confident about work done over project. Constantly updated on tasks help in giving client a bigger picture on the project status and minimize risk of any confusion. It is advisable to include list of completed tasks, budget spent and budget remaining, planned work tasks schedule etc in revised project schedule and budget updates sheet.

Meet the scheduled deadline: Always meet your project deadlines scheduled to the client. It’s really bad to shifts schedule project deadline.  Sometimes, there is a possibility that an initial go-live date get miss-out because other important things get pop up which worth more attention. In this case, missing deadlines is acceptable as the other important things may take more time to complete. But, it’s not good sign if project deadline missed out because of lack of timely client feedback, or other communication problems. It is better to discuss the problems and work on those areas rather than making compromise with the quality standards just because of communication problems.

Be Pro-active: It is good to help your client with tasks that you are not necessarily be doing such as hand-coding HTML/ XHTML/ CSS mark-ups. Being pro-active is another piece of client management advice. Give them extra. Assist your valuable client with best solutions and encourages a positive relationship with the client.

Timely Response: Timely response is the most important factor that can affect the project. It is advisable to go for timely response from clients over project. In case, your client have hectic schedule then try to fix face to face client session or meeting or weekly client meetings etc.

Talk things out: It is better to talk out with client and asking pointed questions to get an idea what client actually want from you to avoid all kind of misunderstanding and conflicts.

We hope this post on useful guidelines on client management help you in improving client relationships and keeping client very happy.

Posted By: CSSChopper Team

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